Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Yesterday and Today

Last night I was just too tired physically and emotionally to blog.  I worked too hard and my body was telling me I had better slow down.  My brain was mush and I just went to bed early.  Bill didn't have a very good day, either. 

Today Mom S had a cardiologist appointment and Bill felt well enough to go along.  We were gone for several hours and it totally wiped him out.  Shannon, Jessie and I began putting ornaments on our tree.  It's almost done and we'll finish tomorrow - hopefully.  You'll know if I post pictures.

If you don't have kids in your house and you need someone there to remind you that Christmas will soon be here, just let me know and I'll bring Jess over.  At least 30 times a day she 's hollering that Santa's coming and she gets "10 presents" in the morning!  I'm not sure I'll be able to handle the 30+ days until she gets her 10 presents.  Yesterday she pointed to my harvest decorations and said, "Halloween done!  Santa comin!" 

1 comment:

  1. Jessie has ALWAYS loved Christmas! I was thinking of her in the past couple days as I have seen decorations pop up around the neighborhood! I wish she could meet my brother, Paul, in person! He looks just like Santa!
