Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Set Backs and Accomplishments

I have "graduated" from the walker to a cane, and only use the cane when I am out of the house.  I took a shower this morning and didn't have to use the shower seat.  I only have to wear one leg stocking.  I am walking normal for the first time in years - no waddling like a penguin.  I have been able to be downstairs for hours each day.  All these accomplishments may seem trivial, but in my recovery, they are just steps back to my "normal" life of being self-sufficient.  I can also put my DVT "puffers" on my self and even the ice wrap.  The only help I need is each morning getting on my support hose - I just can't to that and probably won't ever be able to do it.  They're like putting rubber on one's leg. 

Since my surgery my BP has been quite high.  It got to 200/98 in the hospital. Since I've been home it hasn't been much better - in the 180's and 190's over in the 90's.  My pulse rate has been 120.  Not a good combination.  Making a long story short, I spent 7 hours in the ER last night per my doctor's request to see if there wasn't something making it go up. 

I am asymptomatic.  Praise God that all tests looked great. There doesn't seem to be anything causing the high blood pressure, except for pain. In the ER my BP last night was 215/115 with a 108 heart rate.  So annoying.  Especially since I'm feeling good.  As good as I can be after a major surgery.  I'm not in pain all the time either. 

We (Jon and I) got home about 1:30 this morning.  Lois was here when we left then Diane came and spent the night with Jess.  Today Jon took me to the doctor and he changed my BP medicine.  Now it's a waiting game and adjustment period.  Let's pray that it doesn't take long to get my BP to a level state. 

Jess had a hard time with me leaving so quickly last night, but she was OK when I got home.  She held on to me for quite a bit.  Brenda had her out almost all day (pool, gym, Subway, Westview Orchards) and I'm sure she's probably asleep already, as she decided to go to bed about a half hour ago on her own.   

I have much to be grateful for.  Thank you all for being my support team!

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