Monday, November 4, 2013

Well, Today Didn't Start Out Well

One of my new hires for Monday and Thursday's did not come today or call.  And still hasn't called.  Today was supposed to be the day I would have "trained" her on Jessie's morning routine, and where everything is located, etc.  Thursday is my surgery day, so I'm scrambling to redo the day's coverage.  Please pray that it will work out.  I'm more concerned for Jessie's care than my own.  She doesn't do well with change, and she's had so much change in the past couple of years.  It takes months to get her into a new routine.  It's not an easy thing to do.

I did paperwork this morning and paid bills that I would normally do on Friday.  Jess and I went to the bank, Wendy's for lunch, then I got my hair cut so that it will be easier to manage in the hospital.  Jane made a meal for us tonight and Rox made another meal that we'll eat tomorrow night.  I appreciate these meals so much.  Thanks, Friends!

Two more days to get things in order.  And counting ...


  1. I am so sorry that Jess's helper didn't show up. I wish I was closer and could help you out. Prayers for your surgery are already being said, along with calm setting for Jess & Jon too. Becky

  2. Breathe in Breathe Out - things will work out, the lord is in charge. Peace to you as you have your surgery. Prayers for a speedy recovery and minimal pain. Many of us care.
