Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Allergic Reaction

Tuesday, April 14
                                                                                                                                                                    Jon had the day off so he got up early and went to Kroger's to get some needed grocery items. He also filled up his vehicle's gas tank. He took a picture of what it cost him! He had 30 cents off and paid only $1.35 a gallon! I thought that was super until someone posted on FB that their gas station was 89 cents! Finally we could travel around the US with gas prices as they are, except we're not supposed to leave our homes. What are the chances that the prices will stay under $2.00 when we are released?

Jess didn't get to put groceries away because we were still upstairs. Jon put them away, sanitized the counters, washed the floor then took a shower.

For lunch the 3 of us went to Wendy's drive thru again and ate with the goats. I'm glad I don't have to get in to my bowl of food to eat like the goats sometimes do!

Post office to get our mail, bank and Walgreen's. All drive thru's.

I'm actually writing this on Wednesday morning. Last night I had a bad allergic reaction to who knows what! It started with the feeling like my head had a nest of bugs on it, itching all over, my throat hurt and it was feeling like it was closing. I took 2 Benedryl but it didn't touch the reaction for at least a couple of hours. I was a bit woosie, though, which is why I didn't post last night.


1 comment:

  1. That is a big allergic reaction. Hope it doesn't come back - but with throat feeling like it was closing - be very careful! If Jon is not home to advise and it happens again - please call 911 - you just don't know!!
