Saturday, April 18, 2020

Two Different Days

Friday and Saturday
April 17 and 18

Yesterday was such a blah day. It rain/snowed all day. I was tired, Jessie was very needy and I didn't feel like doing anything. And I didn't. It was a "down" day. I wasn't depressed. Just blah. That doesn't happen very often, thankfully.

Today was a different story. Jon had off and asked if Jess and I would like to go with him for a drive to a hardware store. Absolutely! We didn't mind sitting in the van while he shopped. From there we went to Brent's house and gave him a mosaic picture Jessie made for him. He came out with his mom and aide, Tom. He also gave Jessie a picture he made for her. Both Brent and Jessie needed to see one another. They were both so happy blowing kisses at one another.

We drove through Tim Horton's for a pop and a donut for Jess. Then we drove around Stoney Creek. There were a lot of people there. Many walking their dogs or riding bikes. It's been almost 2 years that I have been to the park. 

After dinner Jess played on her iPad and Jon and I watched a Border Patrol and an Alaskan Animal Rescue program. In all, it was a very good day

Here's Diana, Brent and Tom:


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