Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Jessie's Brent

Tuesday, April 28

Jon had the day off so he went to Meijer's for a few things. Then he spent a couple hours outside planting cold-weather veggies and cleaning up his garden. I had a noon doctor's appointment on my phone and Jessie's "boyfriend" Brent came to visit, along with his mom, Diana, and aide Tom. They sat in their van and we stood in the driveway.

Jessie and Brent have known one another since elementary school and have been doing outings before the "Stay At Home" order several times a week. We decided to get lunch at Wendy's and go eat with the goats (again). It's becoming a popular place, as several people were also there feeding the goats and one group having a picnic. Brent loved feeding the goats. Jess enjoyed watching after feeding a couple goats herself.

Tom assured me he was smiling!

1 comment:

  1. I love this! That is so sweet! Love your blog too! Stay home! Stay healthy!


