Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Jessie's EGD

Today was Jessie's EGD text to determine why she has trouble swallowing and sometimes chokes. I asked for prayers from the Glory Girls, "Wednesday at 10" Bible Study girls and Facebook. Jessie was up within minutes of my alarm going off and wanted to get dressed right away. We left at 7:20 a.m. and she did well. She even walked all the way in from the parking lot without the aid of her transport chair. 

We checked in at 7:45 a.m. with an 8:00 arrival and 9:30 time for her procedure. However, they didn't get to wheel her back until 10:45 a.m. !!! And, it wasn't because of them. I had told various people that she has Special Needs and required extra time to prep. Even though they assured me it would be OK, I knew it wouldn't.

She got the gown on, they gave her 2 doses of Valium before they could get the IV in. Even with multiple doses of whatever they gave her, she was still fighting it. She would NOT get on the bed. So, in desperation, the anesthesiologist (she was wonderful) gave her something to knock her out just long enough for 4 people to lift her up on the bed. (There were 9 people in the room at one time!) Then, awake again! I'm sure that if I had as much meds as they gave her, I'd still be in recovery sleeping! 

This is as close to the bed as she was getting!

They took her down the hallway, I sat in the waiting room for 10 minutes and ate a couple graham crackers, and I could hear her talking down the hallway! They came and said she was all done! Everyone else they were bringing back were sound asleep. Not Jessie!

It was a miracle that she sat on the bed and didn't crawl off!

I got the van, they wheeled her out and we met Jon at Savory Grill for breakfast. I was SO exhausted. When we got home she played on her iPad and I reclined on the couch and rested. That was the rest of my day until I made dinner. It's 9:39 p.m. and she's still going strong and I can't wait to crawl into bed.

THANK YOU to everyone who prayed. The result of the test is that she has ulcers at the base of the esophagus. New meds begin in the morning. I pray that this will take care of the ulcers.  

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