Saturday, November 14, 2020

A Very Productive and Busy Day

After my shower this morning I gave Jess a bath. We (the 3 of us) had breakfast, I put in 2 loads of wash, I cleaned the downstairs bathroom and rested for a half hour. We left to go to the post office around 12:30 then got lunch at Wendy's and ate with the goats. Jessie pulled out all the shoes and stuff from the coat closet and I washed fall coats and prepared for winter.  Boots and gloves are ready, as well as our heaviest coats. 

Jessie has been crabby this afternoon. She is hollering because it's not raining outside. She wants her iPad NOW (the battery died and it is plugged in). She doesn't like me typing on the computer and is hollering at me to STOP! She yelled at me because she got an ice cream sandwich instead of a "big" bowl of ice cream. She insisted that she was going to eat her dinner on the couch. When I told her she couldn't, she fell asleep. I told Jon that was her way of getting what she wanted. She knew we'd eat while she slept then she could eat alone on the couch. After an hour, she woke up and yelled: "EAT HERE!" I pick my battles with her. However, tonight I'm just very tired of her crabbiness.

The COVID numbers are going up in Michigan. There have been 2 positive COVID tests at Jon's work among the staff, although the people are asymptomatic. Jessie is also not happy that we aren't letting her go swimming, shopping at Target or Debby's Dollar for awhile. This could be why she's so crabby. She's also hollering because we aren't going to church for awhile (it's too crowded) and eat out afterwards! I think I'll go get ear plugs.

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