Tuesday, November 17, 2020


Jane wasn't able to come today because her grandson woke up sick yesterday after visiting on Sunday. We're just being extra cautious.

That left just Jess and me today so I decided we'd clean the house. The Merry Maids were supposed to clean today but I cancelled them at least for a month. Unfortunately, we only got the front living room and kitchen done. Jessie dusted and I vacuumed. Jessie also used the small vacuum cleaner and took care of Darla's bed. She did a really good job. Why didn't we get more done? My back. Vacuuming and bending over are 2 things I really shouldn't do. But I tried. I did manage to do 2 loads of laundry.

Jess and I also went out for a bit in the afternoon. I had mail to drop off at the post office, we went to the bank, Walgreen's and got a drive-thru McDonald's lunch and ate in TJ Max's parking lot. 

Jessie is having a really hard time since we've cut out all her community interactions. No more eating in restaurants. No more Art with Brent. No more swimming with Jane. No more shopping at Target or Debby's Dollar. We told her that people are getting sick again and that we don't want to get sick either.

Jessie believes in prayer. Unfortunately, I guess, is the fact that she believes that as soon as she prays for someone to get better, that they are immediately well! It is hard for her to understand that it takes time, sometimes, for people to get well. She's had several break downs today. We've also prayed for people to get better multiple times today. She did much better in March when we were shut down, but I think it was because she had scratched her cornea and she wasn't well for awhile. 

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