Tuesday, March 13, 2012

New Living Arrangements

Today Grandma Sutton left with her daughter, Ruth, to go live with her in Johannesburg.  I would ask that you pray that Grandma would enjoy her new home and for her adjustment to a new area.  Also for us as we deal with another loss.

Many people have asked how Jessie is doing.  Actually, she is doing GREAT!  We have been preparing her for months about her Daddy going to Heaven, so she knew that he would be leaving soon.  As you know, we have been having bizarre behavior from her over the past year.  I have seen a huge difference in her since Bill died.  I believe that the stress of seeing her Daddy so sick and then dying had a profound effect on her and she reacted the only way she knew how - with bad behavior.  She is back to laughing and really enjoying her days again.  Not to say that she isn't sad and she asks about Daddy often during the day, but she is doing super. 

I have also been asked if I will continue by blog.  Absolutely.  I will still try to blog each night, but if I don't, don't panic.  I'm sure all will be well.  Love to you all!


  1. So glad you will still be blogging....I love reading about your days! I hope you blew up this picture of Jessie & Bill!! It's a keeper!!
    Hugs & prayers dear friend! Love you & miss you!!

  2. I love that you will continue blogging too!!
