Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Busy Day

Before I tell you about my day that I'm sure you're looking forward to reading, I would like to share a post from an Anonymous person regarding the goats and their coats I mentioned yesterday:

"Around here in Montana - once an animal has been groomed for show, the coat is placed on it so that the coat doesn't get dirty or messed up prior to the show ring."

Thank you so much - whoever - for sending me this information.  It made me feel pretty special that you would take the time to answer my question.  Goats with coats has been solved.  Makes sense.

The morning began with Water Aerobics with Lois.  I can honestly tell you that I wasn't in any mood to exercise.  Mornings are not my specialty and this morning arrived with a headache.  I managed, though, and it was a good work out.  From there we had breakfast, went to Office Depot and Hobby Lobby then I took Lois home.  Went to Radio Shack to check on my dead phone - again.  Apparently I drained the battery to zero when I removed pictures last night and put them on the computer.  When that happens, it takes a full 10 minutes to get to 1% and even have a picture appear on the screen.  Or so the fellow at Radio Shack said.  He definitely was a techie.  He gave me another headache just listening to all I should and should not do with my iPhone.

When I got home my WONDERFUL son had done all the wash, as well as vacuumed all floors because he knew that I was having the SM Ladies over tonight and he wanted to help me.  I just about cried.  His work was so much appreciated.  Because of him doing this work, and helping with dinner later, I was able to take a nap and get rid of my headache.

The ladies arrived for our 4th get together and it was a very special time.  God had given me the topic of His Creation - both the earth and all that is in it, including ourselves.  It was pretty neat that no one knew what the topic was, yet one of the ladies shared about God's creation.  I asked the ladies to bring something they had made, sort of a "show and tell".  That was very interesting, then we made ice cream sundaes for dessert.  Another great night of friendship.

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