Sunday, August 31, 2014

An Unhappy Jessie

I'm at my wits end trying to figure out what is making Jessie so unhappy.  She doesn't act sick.  She says she isn't sick.  For lunch Jon, Jess and I met Chris and Sean at the Chinese restaurant and she was VERY loud and toward the end of our meal a family came in with a toddler and that threw her over the edge. By the time we got home she was yelling and screaming.  We gave her Ativan to try to calm her down (which I rarely do) but that took over 1 hour to work.  I finally took her upstairs and made her lay down and take a nap, which she did.

I also took away her iPad.  She's been hollering for it all evening, but I haven't caved in.  Tonight she's coloring.  Earlier she got out Leggo blocks and built a tower, which she never does.  Actually the family room is a wreck with all her stuff out.  However, at this moment, she is quiet, so I don't care what it looks like.  Now she's fixated on whether or not it will storm tonight.

This is so discouraging.  We had gotten her to eat in a restaurant and be fairly quiet and good.  That is not happening lately.  I don't know if it is because of my surgery and the arm immobilizer I wear, or what?  On September 10 she goes in for a throat scope test.  I'm very concerned with this, as she won't get on a hospital bed.  I really don't know what they will do.  She's not very compliant with and IV, either.

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