Wednesday, April 29, 2015

An Extra Blog

I wanted to record this so I wouldn't ever forget that Jessie rarely forgets. I guess I was just too tired to process anything last night.

Jon treated Jessie and I to dinner at Chili's last night. While we were eating, one of the lenses from Jessie's glasses fell out. Thankfully, I carry a pocket knife (as a tool!) and I was able to get the lense back in and tightened. After we ate we went to the eye store in Meijer's to have them put a new, longer screw in the frame.

Jessie just about lost it. She kept saying, "Purple."  "Night night."  "Glasses." She was clinging to me and almost crying. I kept telling her that they were just going to put a screw in the frame. Yes, she could have her purple glasses back. I couldn't figure it out until they were almost finished with the frames and it finally dawned on me why she was so upset.

For one, she does not like to go have her eyes examined. She won't let them get near her eyes to have the drops put in so they rarely get a good look deep inside the eye. Then when she is finished we get new glasses. They MUST be purple, but she doesn't want new ones. She wants her "old" ones. When I do pick them up, she refuses to wear them. I try to exchange the old ones for the new ones gradually, but that doesn't always work. Finally, when she goes to sleep one night, the new ones appear in her case and the old ones are gone. THAT is what she remembered and THAT is what she thought was happening last night. She didn't want a new pair of glasses. She wanted her "old" purple ones back!

Heaven help me when we go have our eyes examined and new glasses in a couple of months!

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