Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Blessings and Hello Monday

Jessie found her Easter basket in 2 seconds. I guess I didn't try hard enough to hide it. I thought I did. She seemed pleased with all her stuff. A can of Pringles, chocolate chip cookies, goldfish, 5 small Reeses PB eggs, 2 shirts, a hair brush, lotion for her feet, hand sanitizer for her purse and 4 DVD's. She couldn't wait for Jon to come home so she could show him everything in it. It's still together because she wants to show Brenda in the morning.

Around 1:30, Jess and I went to Chris' house for dinner. She has 3 sisters and a brother and sister-in-law. Some of their adult kids were there, along with Eric. Sean and Ashley came later after being with her family.

Jessie was great. She went into a back bedroom and stayed there the entire time except for dinner. She played on her iPad and moved around her letter tiles. She enjoyed herself and was comfortable. She was really good at the dinner table, too, which surprised me because most of the people she had not seen in years.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time around Chris' table. It was fun listening to her family reminisce about the past. So much laughter. It reminded me of years ago when we were able to have a full table, too. My brother, always the hilarious one, would generate alot of laughter.

Jacob was home for the weekend and visited Jon for a couple hours after Jon got home from work.

Monday  ...  I spent the entire day cleaning up the house. I vacuumed and swept floors yesterday AND today. And I brushed the dog, who is shedding a lot. I washed clothes and prepared for having the "book club" here at 6:30 p.m.  Jess and I went out for our traditional "Girls Day Out" (which really is only a couple hours) and went to the post office, Walgreen's and McDonald's for lunch.

Jess and I had a good day together. She rarely yelled and seemed happy. However, she was less than nice during the time the ladies were here. That wasn't appreciated. But, for the most part, I think she did well.

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