Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Snow !!!

I woke up to snow falling and it's been falling off and on all day long. It's cold outside, too. I even had to put socks on before going to PT.  Now, if this snowfall was on Christmas Eve, I'd be excited. I'm not excited. It's April 22. That's Michigan for you.

Here's a quote by Lane Olinghouse (who ever she/he may be!):
"The quickest way for a parent to get
a child's attention is to sit down and
look comfortable."

1 comment:

  1. I am so laughing cause when I flipped the tv on to get dressed for work this morning I heard or though I heard them say folks were waking up to snow yesterday and today and I thought no way and then I read this post. April - NO! Time for spring flowers
    And what a true quote! Have a blessed day Becky
