Wednesday, April 29, 2015

My Ordinary and Boring Day

I did quite a bit of computer work, washed and folded clothes (still not put away), went to the post office, Walgreen's and Meijer's for a few groceries. After Debbie left I sat on the couch and took a half hour nap before Sue arrived and I got ready to go to Stephen Ministry. Back home by 9:15. Put Jess to bed, checked my e-mail, looked at the news and now typing this.

My days go by so quickly and when I look back over my day I see very little that I have done for the Kingdom of God. But then again, I don't see my life as God sees it. I might have said something to someone that will make a difference in their life. The hugs I gave to friends at SM tonight might have been the only hug they've received in several days. My smile to the door lady at Meijer's might have been the only smile she received today. Asking my postal worker friend how her day has gone and spending a few minutes chatting with her might have brightened up her afternoon. The things I do around the house for my kids are motivated by love. One day I will know the impact of my ordinary, boring days. I hope I hear Jesus say: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant!"

1 comment:

  1. Great post Nancy! I so often think that it is all the little things like the ones you pointed out that are what Jesus would have us do on a daily basis. So many lonely, hurting people in the world. I have no doubt that is exactly the words that Jesus will use when you enter the Kingdom! Blessings my friend
