Saturday, April 25, 2015

Priscilla Shirer Simulcast

Our church hosted the Priscilla Schier live simulcast today. It went from 9:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. and was excellent. She was live in Huntsville, Alabama, with 4,500 women in attendance. There were 49 states, 7 countries and 183 churches that participated today. Her brother, Anthony Evans, provided the worship music. It was the first time I've ever heard him and really enjoyed his singing. They played a video he had done called "Mercy Tree". Look it up on YouTube. It's worth the watch. Priscilla and Anthony are children of Dr. Tony Evans, noted preacher and author. Today's topic was Ephesians 6 and the armor that God gives His children to combat Satan. It was powerful.

Jon watched Jess so I could attend. He said that she was really good for him all day. He took her out to breakfast then they went to the post office before returning home. He worked in the backyard while she stayed inside. He kept looking in the window to make sure she was where he left her! Once playing with her Apple 2 Apple cards, beads or iPad, she doesn't generally move much. Just to go to the bathroom. Jon even had dinner ready when I got home.

When I walked in the house all was quiet and I said, "Hello!" Jon answered me but nothing from Jessie. I repeated the greeting 2 more times before I said, "Anybody need a mom?" "NO" was the answer from Jessie. She then began screaming at me and carrying on. What a welcome!

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