Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Star of Washington

We received a phone call from a long-time friend of ours yesterday.  He owns a business in Washington and years ago erected a very tall star that he lights during the Christmas Season.  Over the years we've told Bob how much we enjoy its presence - we can see it from the kids' front bedrooms and as you drive into Washington, it lights the way to our house.  For some reason, it means alot to us.  It just wouldn't be Christmas without the Star of Washington.

Anyway, Bob called to tell Bill that he was thinking about him, and in honor of Bill he lit the star early this year.  How awesome is that!  Instead of waiting until Thanksgiving, he had it turned on yesterday just for Bill.  Thanks, Bob.  You made our day (and Christmas Season) very special. 

1 comment:

  1. I have always enjoyed seeing "the star of Washington" and wondered about it!!
