Monday, November 15, 2010

Zombie Brains and Adios Mustache

I bet you're wondering where this is going!

Let me tell you about my day ... after getting up, dressed and taking care of Jessie and getting her breakfast, I cleaned up the kitchen and did some odds and ends.  Jon began washing clothes.  Then Jess and I left for our "Girls Day Out".  We went to the Salvation Army to drop off some things, to a friends' house to return a casserole dish, got gas then ate lunch at Wendy's.  To the post office and called Bill and told him I'd pick him up in two minutes to go to my mom's house.  Almost reaching 26 Mile I relized I had forgotten to go home and get Bill!  I hit my forehead and moaned.  Jessie said, "Stupid people?"   "No," I said.  "Stupid Momma!"

To Mom's to take Jon's place because he had a dental appointment.  Was there for the visiting nurse.  After she left we returned home just in time for a case worker meeting.  Paper work and phone calls had to be made before I began dinner.  By the time dinner was done and the kitchen cleaned up, I was DONE.

Just then, as Jon was going back downstairs to switch over the wash, I heard a loud crash.  He accidently kicked a very large glass jar of salsa down the basement stairs.  What a mess.  Glass and salsa all over the stairs, wall and floor.  As Jon was cleaning it up he commented that it looked just like what was left of zombie brains when they were blown up on a program he watched.  That did it.  I was out of there.

When I married Bill, he was a very clean shaven man.  On our honeymoon I encouraged him to grow a mustache.  It's been 27 years since I've seen that lip - he shaved his mustache off today.  It had been getting a little sparse.  Jon says he looks like a baby duck (I'll probably get in trouble for telling you this) and Jdessie just stared at him and touched his mouth. 

Bill's had another very hard day.  Very sick and plastered to the couch.  His days are long and discouraging.

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