Friday, April 13, 2012

Riding The Rail

Another nice, busy day.  Jess and Deb went to Garden for their breakfast out and I went to the Pantry with my friend, Karen.  Dorene was here painting and Jon worked.  When I got home I went to Home Depot and Walmart.  Even thought I used the electric carts to shop, I still had difficulty walking when I got home.  In alot of pain, too.  Bummer.  But, it was a profitable day.

Before Bill passed away he wasn't able to come downstairs so we decided that we'd buy a stair chair so he could spend his days in the family room.  Unfortunately, they were unable to install the chair so that he could use it.  Now that it has been inspected by the State, I can publish a picture of me "riding the rail", so to speak.  It has been worth every penny that we spent on it.  Stairs are terrible for my knee and I use it all the time.  It's awesome!


  1. Can't wait to try that toy out :)

  2. That is one of the big reasons we moved 2 years ago - just couldn't do stairs a million times a day! This chair lift would have solved one of our problems!! Glad you have one!!
