Sunday, May 27, 2012

We're Back!

Jess, Chris and I went to up north yesterday morning to visit Grandma (and Aunt Ruth, Uncle Bill and Billy).  We spent all afternoon at their home and had lunch and dinner with them.  Jess was excited to see Grandma and kept putting her head on her shoulder.  We had a very nice visit, even though Jess was adament all afternoon about leaving and going to the hotel.

Prayer for Grandma would be appreciated as she has fallen a couple times and now doesn't want to walk.  They have to use the wheelchair for her at all times. 

After dinner we drove to Gaylord and stayed at the Hampton Inn. Jess wanted to go in the pool so bad, but there was a young boy in the water who was very loud and running around, so she immediately decided not to go in the pool.

This morning Chris went to church with Bill and Billy and Jess and I went back to their home to visit Aunt Ruth and Grandma.  For lunch we went to the Lewiston Lodge. (Of all the years we had our home in Lewiston, we NEVER ate there!)   It was very nice and I was glad we were inside watching the rain rather than driving through it.

I was very apprehensive about the weather this weekend because yesterday's weather map showed us traveling right through bad storms on I-75.  However, there was nothing.  Today we woke to a bad storm and it poured very, very hard all morning and about a half hour of our trip home.  After that, no more rain.  We missed it again - Thank you, Jesus!

Jon stayed home and worked on his model ship, went shopping and to the show.  He said that Memphis wasn't happy that we left.  I'm glad that we were missed. 

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