Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July

Jess has had a good day.  We finished cleaning up her room (began yesterday) then she spent several hours in there watching videos and playing with stuff she hasn't seen in awhile.  She was quite happy being in her room.  She hasn't spent much time in there since Bill passed away, for whatever reason. For dinner I cooked up pork loin chops, an ear of corn and opened the carton of potato salad from Meijer's!  Plus, delicious watermelon. Jon worked again.  It was very uncomfortable in the nursing home in the hallways.  Especially because they changed their uniforms from thin scrubs to a hot polo shirt!

Yesterday Jess and I went to the post office, bank, Walgreen's, McDonald's and Meijer's.  I was only going to get a few things but ended up with a full cart.  We went in between storms.  The first one was at 7:00 a.m. and I brought Jess downstairs in case we needed to go in the closet.  It was pretty bad.  However, I'm not sure which storm was the worst since we had one storm after the other.  I think it was around 5:00 that I took Jess and Memphis in the closet because it was so dark and windy.  We were doing good until all of a sudden Memphis got up and left.  Jess said, "Eeuw!"  Yup, Memphis let off gas then took off.  It was bad.  We came out of the closet.

Frankly, I'm pretty tired of super hot days, no rain, then weeks worth of rain in a couple hours.  I'm sure everyone else is, too.  Especially Bob, Debby's husband, who came over this afternoon and took off my flat tire, took it to Walmart and had it fixed, then put it back on.  Thank you, Bob!  It was 97 degrees when he was here.  Another nice thing, my basement is 98% dry.  The gutters have helped tremendously. 

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