Monday, March 2, 2015

Prayers Needed

We finally had our appointment with the Nurse Practioner today and received some new medication for Jessie. She will start medication for ADHD tomorrow. Please pray that her body will tolerate this prescription, as she is sensitive to meds, and that we will be seeing positive changes. Thanks.

Also, I had a yearly physical today and the EKG that I had was abnormal. I will be having a stress test on Friday morning. I would appreciate prayer. I'm more concerned with the test than I am with the results. I'm not exactly the most fit person to take a tred mill test since I have difficulty walking most days.

It wouldn't be surprising if I did have a heart issue, as "bad hearts" run in my father's family. My dad died when he was 50 and my brother, although he died from cancer, had his first heart attack when he was in his 40's (same as my dad). My mother's father also died when he was 50 of a heart attack. Since my mom lived to be 88 and her heart was good, I'm counting on having heart health from her. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated, though.


  1. I'm praying for you, Nancy! Also praying that you have your Mom's heart! I know you'll keep us posted. Love you!

  2. Here is praying that Jesse's new meds work like a charm. Also, that your stress test shows exactly what kind of heart you have - & that is Lord loving and perfect. With your legs and back they will probably do the stress test that you don't have to walk. You are wrapped tight in prayer and FIRMLY in HIS grip
