Friday, May 8, 2015

Thursday and Friday

Thursday was a "vacation day" for Jessie and me. Brenda wanted to take Jessie to Port Huron to see a butterfly exhibit and I invited myself along. I like going to Port Huron.

Jess and I picked up Brenda and we drove to the Birchwood Mall. We parted and I went shopping and they went to the exhibit. Fifteen minutes later Brenda texts me and said they were done! Unfortunately, there were too many kids there and she refused to go in the exhibit, which really wasn't worth traveling over 50 miles to see. Well, at least I bought a couple shirts at Penney's.

We ate lunch at Cheap Charlies, which is a favorite of mine. Bill and I ate there years ago when it was in a different location. They have really good food. We went to the Family Christian Store then went down under the bridge and watched for big boats. That was a bust. No big boats. BUT, we did manage to get Jess out of the van and on the bench - for about 3 minutes. She refused to sit anywhere except the ground. We drove back home.

Around dinner time Jessie became very aggitated and was crying hard and crying for Brenda. We couldn't figure out what was going on. She ended up in bed and asleep by 9:00 p.m.

Today Jess woke up tired. She was up for an hour or so then went pack to bed. Rachel came and took her out to breakfast and the post office. Later they went to McDonald's for a grilled chicken wrap and to a park in Rochester. When they got home, she began to cry and be very upset again. I finally called the NP who has prescribed her medication and she feels that she is having anxiety attacks and we need to up her medication. I feel so bad for her. She's not a happy girl, that is for sure. Please pray that we can get the right dosage for her.

Brianna came and did gardening and cut the back grass. My neighbor, Mike, helped us get the mower working because it wouldn't start. I helped a bit, too. I did some weed wacking. After dinner the torrential rains came - we needed it.

Jessie wants to go to bed and she won't go upstairs without me. Says she's scared. So, I'll close for now.

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