Thursday, October 29, 2015

Jessie's Halloween Party

Brenda had to take a few classes today so Jane took her place. It was Gym Day, but they had a special event instead ... lunch, a dance and trick or treating around the gym. Now, if I had told Jessie ahead of time that it was a dance and that it was a Halloween Party, she would have put up quite a fuss. Instead we didn't tell her. Jane said she didn't want to be there and clung to her, but she stayed and enjoyed getting the candy at the end. Jane took her out for an ice cream treat after the party.

Next they went to Meijer's and Jane was impressed how well Jessie scans the groceries and even puts the items in bags! She does do a really good job. I have to search for the bar codes but Jess seems to know where they all are.

Jon called in sick yesterday and hung out in his room all day. Today he finally felt better. After attending Bible Study we met for lunch. He spent the rest of the day in his room again. Keep those germs away from us! So far, so good for Jess and me!

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