Monday, October 12, 2015

New Ideas for CLS

When we have aides with Jessie, they are not only just being with her (respite), they have CLS (Community Living Service) goals to work on all the time. Especially during trips out of the home. Today Rachel decided to take her to Partridge Creek to walk around (exercise) and to interact with people (proper socialization and stranger danger). It was another beautiful day and as you can see, Jessie was having a great day. Why she is posing like she is flying lately I don't know. Maybe she's like ... TA DA! They walked around the mall 2 times and went in to a couple of stores.

They were going to eat at Subway but it closed, so Jessie told Rachel she wanted to go to Big Boy's. (Ordering off the menu - keep head up - make eye contact, ask for what you need.) That was a great idea because she bought the chicken tender meal and brought half home, which she ate for dinner. Jon only had to make his dinner then, because the "Glory Girls" got together for Pat and my birthday. We had dinner at Caroline's house and then opened our gifts. It was a very nice night.

I was almost home when Diane texted me and questioned why I sent her a text with just her phone number on it. I hadn't touched my iPhone. It was in my pocket. Apparently there were several undecipherable messages sent to her from me. That was strange. Until I got home, went upstairs and saw that Jessie was iMessageing people from my Contacts that were on her iPad. That girl! She's just too darn smart for her own good. I never thought to erase my Contacts on her iPad, which used to be mine. Now there's something else I need to do. Try to be one-step ahead of my daughter!

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