Saturday, February 12, 2011

Explaining "Nursing Home" to Jessie

Today was Girl's Day Out because Shannon gets one Saturday a month off and worked last Monday.  Around 1:00 we had lunch then headed to the nursing home to see Grandma.  I tried to explain to Jessie what a nursing home was, but I don't think she quite figured it out.  I told her that there were alot of old people in wheelchairs, just like the boys and girls in wheelchairs at Glen Peters School.  "Sick?" she wanted to know.  I tried to explain to her that not all people there were sick.  Some just couldn't take care of themselves anymore and they all lived together where people could help them.

Every day from 2:30 to 3:30 all residents and guests can go to the main eating area and get (free) ice cream.  Jess and I walked down there and brought it back to the room and ate with Grandma.  Every time she passed a resident in a wheelchair she hollared out "Sick!"  "Sick!"  "Sick!".  I'm not so sure they appreciated that.  Oh, well. 

Jessie's been in bed now for over an hour and just let out a loud scream.  She had a pillow and was racing down the hallway to our bedroom.  "Spider!" "Spider!"  Jon and I looked for one but it must have taken off.  There's no way she's sleeping in her room tonight, that's for sure.  Right now she's camped out on the couch in our room. 

Bill and Jon had a Boy's Day Out today, too!  They went to church and watched basketball games, went to lunch, hobby shop and the show.  They had a great time, Bill felt well, but it wiped him out.  He went to bed early.  Thank you, Jesus, for great family times!

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