Tuesday, February 1, 2011

We're Prepared For The Invasion

Invasion? What invasion?  Well, I felt like I have been preparing for days for an invasion.  I made sure there was enough food in the house, batteries, lights, candles (I could light the entire neighborhood with all that I have!).  Bill and Jon had to go out and buy a new generator because ours quit last August when the tornado went through my mom's area.  (We lose electricity often.)  The van is outside, the generator and the grill are in the garage ready to go.  Just in case.  Listening to everyone today at the hospital, it seemed like we were all waiting for the invasion of billions of fluffy white stuff and paralyzing wind and chilling temperatures.

I spent the day at the hospital with my mom.  Diane was able to take half a day off of work and we spent time with mom together.  It was very disheartening.  Mom was definitely not herself, and worse than yesterday.  She spent all day hallucinating.  The problem with her leg turns out to be cellulitis.  Not good.  I personally don't believe that Mom will get better.  Both my sister and I need your prayers.  This is a sad time.

It's been 33 years since my dad passed away.  He died on January 28, 1978 - right in the middle of the blizzard that some of you might remember.  It was so bad I-75 was closed in Michigan and Ohio.  I hope this one isn't as bad - I really want to get to the hospital on Thursday. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nanc....just want you to know you, mom & the entire family are being prayed for in NJ!

    God is in control...hugs & prayers always.

    Love you
