Saturday, August 25, 2012

I Think I Over Did It

Rachel was here today to be with Jessie.  They had a great time together, especially when Jane came and took them out to lunch and Stoney Creek for the afternoon.

Jon and I did alot ...
     Post Office - daily mail
     Family Time Restaurant, Romeo - Breakfast
     Tractor Supply Co., Romeo - Looking around at fire proof cabinets
     Country Store, Romeo - candy for party
     McDonald's - pop
     Family Christian Stores - pick up a book I had ordered
     Christmas Tree Stores - looking for candy and ice tea/float spoons (no luck)
     Wal-Mart - looking for clothes for the fall
     Tim Horton's - I needed to sit and rest and got a pop (they have PEPSI!)
     Cemetery - watered the flowers
     Home to drop off Jon
     Schwinn Bike Shop, Washington - I'm looking at a bike for myself.
     Kohl's - FINALLY found a blue jean jacket I have wanted to a long time!
     Michael's - outdoor paint for a project I am working on

Let me tell you that when I finished at Michael's, I barely made it to my van I was so tired.  I pressed the key fob but the door wouldn't open.  Wrong van.  Well, if this wasn't my car, where was it?  I was so out of it I just couldn't remember where I parked.  I had to press the Panic button in order to locate my van.  How embarassing!

It was a very productive day, but I definitely over did it.

1 comment:

  1. How funny that you had to click the panic button - if I don't outloud say where I parked before getting away from my van I often can't remember where I left it! Have not used the panic button yet though! lol

    I want a jean jacket too - didn't see them at Kohl's - will have to go look again!!

    Tired is good - usually means you were up and doing which is good!!
