Monday, August 6, 2012

Jess And Her iPad

Jessie is just like any other kid/teenager/young adult that does something she knows her mom won't like and tries to cover it up.  We have to monitor Jess on her iPad at all times because she likes to watch stuff on Utube that isn't appropriate.  She watches alot of good stuff, but there are some days that she just wants to watch the bad stuff. 

Tonight I went upstairs to say goodbye to Jess, as I was going out to visit a friend.  She pushed a couple buttons on the iPad and sprung up off the couch (my first clue) to say goodbye.  We hugged and I said, "Are you watching something you shouldn't?"  "No", was the reply.  "Let me see," I said and reached for the iPad.  She said, "NO.  NO.  NO." and began to push me away from the couch.  This was quite funny as she's never done this and it was sooo obvious that she had been watching something I don't like her to watch.  Well, she wasn't happy with me and I wasn't happy with her when I found out she was watching Super Nanny again. 

I try to erase all the History on it each time I check it, but somehow she finds the stuff again.  She's not dumb.  That's for sure. 


  1. Hmmm - I have never heard of Super Nanny and I don't know how to erase the history on my I-pad! Sounds like I need to see you for a lesson!

  2. I love that show!! Maybe she is learning how to be a NANNY too :)
    or learning how to discipline herself!! LOL

