Monday, June 15, 2020

I Had My Brain Swabbed Today

Randie came home from the hospital late this afternoon. In an effort to help Diane, who is still working, I offered to help out when needed. So, just to be safe, I had a blood test and nose swab to detect the virus. I've had nose swabs before for the flu and MERSA, but this test was by far the worst. It felt like it reached my brain then twisted around for 15 seconds! 

I'm negative for the virus, which is what I figured, but I sure wouldn't want to give Randie anything as she recuperates from home. I'll get the blood test results in 3-5 days.

Jessie has been suffering for years with hydronitissuperotivia (I'm sure I spelled it incorrectly). She has plugged pores in her arm pits that get big and infected. She's been complaining for a couple days now and has been SUPER crabby. Tylenol has helped and hot compresses, too. I have a doctor's appointment for her tomorrow afternoon. She needs an antibiotic. That will take it away for several months.

Since last December she was taking Humira shots for her rheumatoid arthritis. It made her sick within a couple of days of taking the shots, but completely cleared up her arm pit infections. I stopped the shots because she didn't need to be sick. Especially when the virus "hit" in March. However, the plugged pores have been a part of her life again.

"Cast your burden on the Lord,
And He shall sustain you;
He shall never permit the righteous to be moved."
Psalm 55:22


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