Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Different Plans

The deck guy was supposed to be out around 8 to work on the door that doesn't close properly. I was going to get up at 7:00 to be ready for him and get Darla outside, but Jon was home and got up early.  I was able to sleep until 8:00 when the phone rang and they cancelled him until Friday. OK then.

I had a "smashing" text this morning. While I was gone, Jane played several games with Jessie then they went to Wendy's to get lunch and go eat with the goats. They also shopped at Target, played outside when they got home and then ended the day playing Apples 2 Apples. Jess had a good day.

I picked up Jon and we went out to breakfast after my test then got our mail from the post office. I got a phone call that the carpet was on the truck today and they were going to be out in the morning to install it on the deck. Ok. Jon and I emptied the deck of the few items we put there temporarily. Jon also finished painting where they had put in new wood while installing the door. Had to get that done before the carpet was installed.

A friend's husband came in the afternoon and he fixed my kitchen sink's faucet. It kept twirling around and I couldn't find the hot water. I thought I might have to replace it, but he was able to take it apart and fix the problem. After he left, I decided to go get a pedicure and was back in less than an hour and a half. Fixed dinner and tried straightening up the house. It's 9:33 and I should really be getting Jessie upstairs for the night. Back to back events wear me down. Today was no exception.

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