Thursday, June 14, 2012

Another Appointment

Both Jess and I had a hard time getting up this morning and we were still in bed when Debbie came!  That's a little embarassing!  I had gotten up earlier and let the dog out and fed him, but then went back to bed just for a few minutes.  It was a little longer than a few minutes.

I had a kidney doctor appointment at 12:20.  Arrived there at 12:00 and didn't get to see him until 1:00 p.m.  That's so frustrating.  My next stop was to the Outpatient center to get supplies for a 24-hour urine test and I had to wait there for almost a half hour!  I figured I'd jump on the expressway and stop at Meijer's on the way home.  Not.  Bad accident that had M-53 backed up for miles.  I was able to go 5mph, though.  For 3 miles.  I discovered that you don't have to have your hands on the wheel when you are going 5mph.  I got off early at 23 Mile and still didn't see any accident, although a wrecker and ambulance had gone by earlier.

I never did make it to Meijer's.  I went home and took a nap instead.  Hopefully, I'll get there tomorrow.  That's about it.  Oh, yes.  Jess and Debbie went on a walk and had a nice time.  Another good day for our Jess.  In fact, there are times she is SO good and does something that I've never seen her do before, that I'm wondering if someone replaced her with a clone? 

1 comment:

  1. Heard they closed the freeway down for some time and had everyone exit at 23 Mile due to an accident north of there. I missed our old house where I could look out and see what was happening on the freeway! Glad Jess is doing so well!!!
