Thursday, June 13, 2013

Jon's Garden

Not everyone can have an aerial view of their garden!  Jon went up to the 2nd story fort that his dad made for him years ago, which is attached to Jessie's playhouse, and took pictures of his garden.  I think it's pretty impressive.  What do you think?  I'm getting excited to think of all the vegetables we'll have.  Now I have to learn how to can or freeze everything.

I went back to Mt. Clemens this morning and had the guardianship papers stamped.  I'm glad that's over for another year.  I stopped at FCS and shopped before I had to go to a doctor's appointment.  When I got home, Jon and I went to the cemetery and planted a couple hostas.  The hens and chicks did real well over the winter and it looks really nice.  Now I just have to figure how to get grass seed to grow there. 

I've told you before that Jessie talks about upcoming events MONTHS ahead of time.  Now that her birthday is over, it's Halloween again.  She seems fascinated with mummies for some reason.  She knows how to spell the work mummy, and when I hear her making scared noises, I'll find her watching Utube mummy movies.  It's going to be a very long time till the end of October, that's for sure!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome job Jon has done on the garden. We also have our garden in the boxes but we are having problems withe the deer and the rabbits eating right down to the stems. Have a blessed day. Becky
