Thursday, January 9, 2014

I'm Back

Many apologies to my daily followers.  January 1 was my last blog and it was unintentional.  Jess started with a bad UTI and upper respiratory infection.  I joined her last week with the upper respiratory flu.  Then last Saturday we took Jess to the ER with a diagnosis of pneumonia.  We were in the hospital from Saturday evening until Tuesday of this week.  I say we, because I stay with her and take care of her every need, except for the medical side of things.  Not feeling well myself, it was pretty hard.  We were both glad to get home Tuesday evening.  Just this afternoon she started acting like herself - finally.  She's slept constantly.  That is not like my daughter. 

Jon had left us at the hospital on Saturday night and because of the severe snow storm we had and the extreme cold, I told him not to come visit.  We did face time on our phones which helped Jess because she asked for him every day.  He said he was pretty lonely - just him and Memphis.  I never left the room.  I had packed for a day or so and wasn't prepared for the time we were there.  At least I thought enough to grab all my medications before we went to the ER.

For a nice price, I was able to receive guest trays and eat with Jessie.  That was very helpful, because I wouldn't leave her alone.  After a day and a half of quiet, we decided to watch the HGTV channel and the cooking channel. 

I have to be honest here and say that I am so tired of all this.  First my surgery, recovery, blood clots, another hospital stay, Christmas, sickness and another hospital stay.  Sometimes it just gets too much.  I am tired of being a widow.  I am tired of being a single parent.  I am tired of being lonely.  I am tired of being sick.  I am tired of being tired.  I feel like I have no purpose.  I haven't been to church in 2 1/2 months.  Sometimes I wonder if anyone misses me. 

At this point you're probably playing your tiny violin.  I deserve it.  Whine, whine, whine.  I really don't have anything to complain about because through all that has happened, I KNOW that God has been taking care of me.  He has provided so much for me and the kids that I am blessed.  I'm just weary.  What can I say.  I'm human.  A tired human. 

P.S.  Thanks, Becky!  Thanks, Anonymous, for your comments.  I treasure each one.  I hope you both had a wonderful, memorable and healthy Christmas.   


  1. So glad you are back but very sorry that there has been so much sickness your way. It's ok to whine - sometimes the plate just stacks and stacks and stacks and it has to tumble all down because then it is clean. Being a widow is hard because what you were doing as two is now being done as one - especially since you have Jess to care for. I was on my own for 10 years but now the circle has gone back around and I have my 86 year old mom & believe you me everything you said sounds familiar. I hope today is full of blessings for you. Stay warm. Becky

  2. Gosh I wish I was your neighbor and could just be there to lighten your daily load. I am glad you are all on the mend. I just gave you another cyber hug!

  3. A little bit of sunshine would go a long way!! It has been one thing after another - which would drag Mother Theresa down! Hang in there - prayers coming and so is sunshine and summer! xox
