Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Very Busy Day

I began my day at church for a 9:00 a.m. SM Leader's meeting that lasted until 10:30.  I got the very dirty van washed, went to the post office and came home for about an hour.  Brenda, Jess and I went to McDonald's for lunch then both Jess and I had our family doctor appointments.  Unfortunately, we were in the office for 2 1/2 hours !!!  That was a bit ridiculous.  We did have a lot to cover and Jess had to have blood work.  I think it took the receptionist longer to write up all the test requests and paperwork than it did to talk to our doctor.

Tomorrow I have to have a CT scan of my lungs to make sure there's no blood clot there, since I've been so fatigued and short of breath.  Jess has to have a chest xray to see how the pneumonia is.  I made those appointments when we got home and before I was picked up for dinner out with the "Glory Girls".  We were gathering for 2 birthdays, but one of the gals is home sick with a bad head cold.  Now we'll have to meet again in a couple weeks.  That won't be hard to do. 

Jess did well today except she talked non-stop at the doctor's office, which astonished Brenda who has never heard her talk so much.  Brenda just kept laughing.  We are back to normal with Jess, that's for sure.  Thanks for all your prayers for her recovery.

Also, when you think of it, please pray for my friend, Doreen's son, Peter.  He was admitted tonight with such swollen tonsils they are touching.  He's barely able to swallow and very, very sick.  I'm sure he's very disappointed since this is his first week of interning at our church.  Thanks for uplifting Peter and his family. 

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