Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Late Start To Our Day

Neither Jess nor I have napped today, although from her tired noises, I think Jess is ready for bed.  I got up at 9:45 and took care of the dog, came back upstairs and tried to get Jessie up, failed, got back in bed and went back to sleep - until noon!  Jess slept until 12:30 when I brought up her breakfast.  that sure made for a very short afternoon!

I gave Jess a bath and she has spent the entire day on the floor doing what she loves to do most: playing with her cards, playing with her beads and watching videos on her iPad.  She seems to be MUCH better today.  I did a couple loads of wash and put away all the nativity sets I had out.  Jon helped me last night get out the empty boxes for Christmas stuff and that helped a lot. 

In a few minutes we're going upstairs early and I am going to watch a Hallmark new series on TV.  That will be a first for me for years.  I thought I might enjoy it.  We'll see.  I'm so used to reading at night, I may just let Jon Tivo it for me and watch it another day. 

1 comment:

  1. No wonder you are wore out. You need to rest and not be doing so much. You had major, major surgery and the flu
