Sunday, March 2, 2014

A Bowl Of Ice Cream For Dinner

Oh, my.  Today was such a busy day.  I don't like Sunday's to be like this, but it was necessary.  First I went to church after Jon came home from church.  Our Spiritual Growth Conference Speaker spoke this morning.  I liked his sermon this morning the best of all his talks.  It was a great service.  It felt so good for me to be in church 3 days in a row.  Each time I got to see different people that I haven't seen in quite some time. 

Lois, Ortha, Jon, Jess and I went to Hong Kong Restaurant for lunch.  It was such fun to watch Jess attack her meal.  She LOVES chicken.  She LOVES rice.  She LOVES bread/buns.  There's not one thing served to her that she doesn't like there. She kept shaking her head in enjoyment, as if she were saying: "Mmmmm um mmmmmm um mmmmm!"

I dropped the kids off at home and went back to Lois' and finished packing the last 2 rubbermaids to be shipped to Haiti.  It is a long, complicated process and takes hours to do even one box.  Before anything is packed, holes need to be drilled through the lid and container. The Rubbermaid is then lined with 2 very large black garbage bags.  Next items are placed just so (I'm a very good packer, if I do say so myself!).  A list must also be made of each item in case of damage or loss of goods.  When packing is done, each garbage bag is sealed at opposite ends.  The lid is placed on top and each hole is filled with a zip tie that is cut and taped to prevent cuts to postal workers.  Then the entire lid is reinforced with tape where ever there might be a hole.  Address the lid, give the box a number and take it to the post office.  It goes from here to Miami by the USPO then it is put on an open aired ship to Haiti.  If I think of it for tomorrow's blog, I'll post a picture of the kind of ship that sails to Haiti.  All boxes are subject to wherever they are placed on the ship.  Either at the bottom of a huge pile or on top where ocean elements are numerous. 

By the time I got home and tried to clean up the kitchen from last night's dinner dishes that were still in the sink, I wanted something to eat.  I was going to make myself a grilled cheese and tomato sandwich, but it was too late for that AND ice cream.  So, I settled for ice cream for dinner.  I'm happy. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nancy - Thanks for posting about this - I find it most interesting. Why do you have to make a hole in the containers? What kind of things do you all send? We had the ole ice again today and had it last week also and it pretty much just shuts us down.
