Thursday, March 13, 2014

Time With "My" Girls

Brenda and Jess went to Meijer's, McDonald's for lunch then bowling.  Their usual day for Thursday's. 

Rox picked me up for Bible study then afterward we went to lunch.  I shoveled part of the driveway and the back sidewalk from the porch steps to the back door.  I really like to shovel snow.  I know that sounds nuts, but I do.  I could only do it for so long since my back started hurting.  A half hour of sitting down when finished was all I needed and my back was OK again. 

Around 2:30 Kylee and Lynzee came to visit me.  Kylee is going on a Missions Trip to Haiti in April with a team from her church.  She came to pick up our pop cans/bottles that would go for some of her support.  My girls spent 2 hours with me.  I am so blessed that they look forward to spending time with me.  I count them and their mom, Julie, part of my family.

We talked about a lot.  Lynzee (13) shared this picture with me.  Both girls are Black Belts in Karate, and Lynzee has just competed for her second degree Black Belt.  That's her in the picture breaking 2 boards with her feet. Being ignorant of Karate I asked her how she got into that position.  She said she ran, jumped, kicked the boards and landed on her feet. 

I'm in awe of the things these girls can do.  Kylee (17) is now playing tennis instead of going on in Karate.  She's a good player.  She's also in Band in High School and she's taking college classes at Macomb in the afternoons.  Lynzee has received all A's on her report card all year, and is Mrs. Pugh in her school's play of Annie. Both have newspaper routes. I sound like a bragging Grandma, don't I? 

Jon just got home and he said that they over scheduled for tomorrow so he volunteered not to work.  I told him: "I'm so sorry.  Now you'll have a 4-day weekend."  He was all smiles!

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