Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Well ... An OK Vacation Day ... Not The Best ... For Sure !!!

After sleeping in, we began our staycation day with Panera Bread bagels I bought yesterday, then headed to Port Huron.  However, within 4 miles I had to pull the van over 3 times because of Jessie. The first time she started screaming for some unknown reason, and I stopped and told her she would not scream or we'd head on back home.  The second time I stopped she had started crying and said her back hurt her.  So I got out to see what was wrong with her back - nothing I could tell.  The third time I stopped she was crying harder so I got out and held her, gave her 3 motrin and waited about 10 minutes.  Neither Jon nor I could figure out what was wrong.  She settled down after that.

We stopped at Crooked Creek Dairy Farm so Jessie could pet the animals, which turned out to be just baby cows and goats. That was OK with her, though.  Then on to Port Huron where our first stop was for lunch at the Cracker Barrell.

Now, that's where it got interesting.  I asked if they would put us as far away from people as they could.  We sat in a back corner and Jess and I faced the wall.  THANK GOD!  Just before the waitress arrived, Jessie exclaimed, "Look!" and lifted her shirt up to her neck.  To our shock and horror, she exposed herself because she had her bra on backwards and it was tight around her neck!  I couldn't get her shirt down fast enough.  Why didn't she say "Look" when I pulled over 3 times?  We went to the restroom and rectified the bra issue immediately. She had gotten herself dressed today and I didn't check her.  A BIG mistake on my part.

I had ordered their special for the day: chicken pot pie.  I was looking forward to it but when I began eating the inside was like soup and not creamy .  I sent it back and got another meal that was just so-so.  However, I did buy a couple items in the gift shop that made up for the food.  I bought an outfit for Sean and Ashley's wedding in October and I bought 4 fall luncheon plates that are now on the kitchen wall. I've been looking for plates to display for several years and I splurged today.

After lunch we sat by the Blue Water Bridge in hopes of seeing a ship but no luck today.  Jess kept yelling for snacks and McDonald's so we decided not to go shopping and headed down to St. Clair where we had our traditional London's ice cream and watched the water.  One ship did go by so it wasn't a bust.

When Jess wasn't sleeping on the way home she was yelling for snacks, Wendy's, chicken nuggets.  I'd about had it.  Also, I've been in quite a bit of pain since yesterday.  Not sure if it's a kidney stone, diverticulitis or whatever.

I am disappointed that our day was so difficult. This was our last staycation day away, so that's it until next year.  At least we got to go away from home.  Alot of people can't even do that.  I do realize how blessed we are.  We just never know if Jessie is going to have a good day or not.  No two days are ever alike.  And this week proved it!

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