Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Having a special day set aside once a year to tell someone you love them is nice.  A card, flowers, dinner out, a text or two to friends.  What could be nicer?  How about saying, "I love you" every day. 

I'm thankful I've been about to say that to my husband of 28 years just about every day of our marriage.  For those of you that don't know our history, we had our first date on February 7, we were engaged on April 23 and I received a beautiful engagement ring on April 26.  We were married on September 17 - all in the year of 1983.  Many of you were at our wedding - a standing-room only event!  God graciously gave me the man of my dreams.  Thank you, Jesus!

Jessie had a hard morning, as Shannon had to leave and return to her couch at home.  She is on bed rest again, and we sure would appreciate your prayers for her healing.  Debbie will be able to help this week.  Jess had a doctor's appointment at noon and Ruth kept Bill company while I took her and stopped at a few stores for necessary stuff.  She had a better afternoon.

Bill didn't have a great deal of pain - just uncomfortable.  He had several visitors: John and Lucy, Pastor Mick and Ron.  These visits mean alot to us.  Thank you.  Ruth played the piano while I was fixing dinner and it was great singing along to "those old hymns".

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