Monday, February 20, 2012

I Could Have Danced All Night

Each day is a little harder for Bill, and today wasn't any different.  We've had to use the wheelchair several times instead of the walker.  Most of the time he just can't stay awake, which is to be expected.  However, he is still the funny guy I married.  Many of you don't know that he is very witty and a very, very funny man. 

Tonight after I helped lift him off the couch upstairs, we were standing very close.  I whispered in his ear: "Shall we dance?"  He just nodded and grabbing his walker made it to the door then started to sing in his raspy and very weak voice: "I could have danced all night.  I could have danced all night. Wait!  I can't keep up with my walker!"


  1. Precious! Sit with him! Look thru pictures of years past TOGETHER with him. There WILL be tears of both happiness and sadness. You will be needing them as well for your memory board and to have him involved gives HIM some control in the life he has left. Believe me when someone who knows they are dying has to just wait it is grueling for them as I observed first hand recently.

  2. That is sooooooooooooo sweet!!! What a beautiful memory for you to hold on to!! I can just cry picturing the 2 of you dancing together :)

    I love you both sooooooooooo much!!
