Thursday, February 9, 2012

On Being Thankful

Some nights it takes me awhile trying to figure out what I should share.  As the days get harder and harder, I don't always want to share this to make everyone feel bad.  It's just life.  As Bill fails and gets weaker and sleeps more, it's a hard life for all of us.

Tonight I can't think of anything noteworthy to report, except how thankful I was when Chris brought dinner tonight and stayed to visit. I am thankful for Pastor Garry who came this afternoon, cried with us, and as he read us scripture, gave Bill the hope of God's promises.  I am thankful for my two Kathy friends who called me to make sure I was OK.  I'm always thankful for my sister who checks in on me daily.  I am thankful that Debbie has been able to work for us and that Jessie likes her.  I'm thankful for Julie who keeps tabs on me, too.  And, I am very thankful for hugs.  Thank you, Jesus, for hugs. 

1 comment:

  1. and I am thankful for you my friend! Sending cyber hugs your way!! I love you!
