Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Jessie's No So Good Day

Or mine either, for that matter.  I overslept a half hour this morning which put us way behind for breakfast before a trip to the bank and gynocologist for Jessie.  So, for the first time in over 3 months, we had a value breakfast sandwich from McDonald's.  Which, by the way, was delicious.  Debbie went with us, too.

Jess was upset at the doctor's office because it was on the 4th floor, we had an elevator ride and a walkway to the office with windows from floor to ceiling.  The doctor was so patient with Jess and she did OK.  We left and drove to Chris K's house, as we were supposed to have our "Made To Crave" meeting.  I wasn't sure if going there would be good for Jess, as Chris has open stairs up to her porch, as well as a wooden ramp for their son who is in a wheelchair.  Jess does NOT to stairs.  I took a chance.

The ramp and front steps were out of the question, but we did manage to get her up 5 stairs in the garage up in to the house and thought we had it made.  She only needed a little encouragment.  Chris made us a special lunch and dessert, we enjoyed our book talk as well as prayer time.  Jessie seemed to enjoy herself, too, and played with a couple cats and her iPad.

UNTIL it was time to go home.  No amount of coercing or encouraging would get her down those few stairs.  I even gave her some break-through anti-anxiety medication.  She plunked herself down on the kitchen floor and wasn't going anywhere near any door.  She cried, she laughed.  We prayed for Jesus to help her not be afraid.  She hollered.  She fought.  We tried the front door.  We tried the wheelchair.  She kicked, screamed and she was NOT going down those stairs.  Chris even called her son to come help us and her husband also came home.  They tried to carry her - no way that was happening.  Have you ever tried moving a special needs person if they don't want to be moved?  Ain't gonna happen!

Finally, in tears, I told Chris to call 911 to see if they could help us.  While she was on the phone with them, Jess said "MYSELF!", rolled over on her stomach, crawled backwards out the front door and down the stairs.  One and a half hours from start to finish!

Poor thing, she kept saying, "Sorry, Mom!  Scared!  Sorry, Mom!  Scared!"  Then on the way home she threw up a bit, still saying "Sorry, Mom!"  It broke my heart.  She was so traumatized.  I'm sorry I tried, but we will never know if we don't try. 

Something like this incident is so emotionally draining, not only for Jessie but for me.  This was the first time Debbie witnessed what could happen when Jess becomes tramatized over something.  I know she was as frustrated and upset as we were, too.  This makes us very limited in where we go and what we do as a family.  Thankfully, Jessie is much calmer tonight and seems Ok.  Me?  I'm just plain emotionally wiped out.

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