Friday, November 23, 2012

Life of Pi

For years when I worked, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving was the time I put up all the Christmas decorations.  Until one year Bill suggested I do it the week before and we could enjoy the 4-day weekend doing something.  So, that's what we've done for years.  We usually went out as a family and did stuff on Friday and Saturday - but NOT shopping, that's for sure!

However, this year most of the Harvest decorations are still in my bedroom waiting for their home in the closet for another year.  I do have 4 Christmas trees up, but only one is completed.  That's Jon's that is in the living room.  Jess keeps going by Harvest stuff downstairs and saying, "Halloween Done!" and putting the item in my chair basket to go upstairs.  I guess tomorrow's the day to put away the pumpkins and tackle the Christmas closet.  My bedroom will be a disaster for awhile.

Rachel, Jess and I went to Garden for breakfast, along with about 50 other people.  It was the busiest I have ever seen it, and there were only 2 waitresses!  I brought the girls home and then drove to Di and Randie's and we visited for awhile then left for the theatre and saw, "Life of Pi".  I highly recommend this movie.  I don't go very often to the show, but I would definitely go back and see this one all over again.  Maybe I'll go see it with Jon.  We watched it in 3D and it was awesome! 

I have to share this with you ... Jess had hiccups when I got home.  I don't know why, as she rarely has them.  Anyway, she kept saying peanut butter.  I just stared at her wondering why she would want peanut butter (I have a short memory), until she went in the utensil drawer, got out a spoon and handed it to me.  THEN I remembered !!!!  When Bill got hiccups because of the chemo, when he could swallow, peanut butter was the ONLY thing that stopped them.  So, Jess wanted a teaspoon of peanut butter to stop her hiccups!  She is just something else, that girl of mine!

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