Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A Challenging Day For Jessie

Jessie does not do well when her normal schedule is disrupted. Tuesday's are swimming days with Brenda, snack, Gym time then lunch at Subway. If there's time and the weather is good, they go for a walk. I changed Jessie's day all around. It was difficult. Jessie needed fasting blood work so I spent most of the day with them. When the tech came for her she said, "Jessica", and that was the beginning. "NO!  JESSIE", she hollered. Then the whining and complaining and hollering continues while the techs (need 2) take her blood. Thankfully, the techs are good and get it the first try.

Next we went to breakfast. As we sat down I heard a child making loud noises on the other side of the restaurant and when I went to the bathroom I discovered that there was an entire class of special needs children eating. Jessie was close to a melt down because of the loud student. 

Next was the pool. I took my things and I walked the lazy river for 40 minutes while Brenda and Jessie did their thing. I sat in the hot tub for 15 minutes while they got a head start on getting dressed. Unfortunately, there was a screaming boy outside her cabana that set her off. I went to sit down and read a book in the lobby area while Brenda and Jessie went to the Gym. Well, that didn't go well. I could hear her screaming "NO" "NO" in the hallway. She refused to play in the gym or do anything else. She wanted to go home. She was screaming and refusing to listen to anything Brenda had to say. We left.

All the way to Walgreen's she kept hollering and asking for her iPad. I told her she couldn't have it, even when Brenda left. That didn't go over well either, but I'd had it. I stopped for the mail and Brenda and Jessie got out to get it for us. Brenda got out her side expecting Jessie to get out and go behind the van. Jessie got out her door and I pointed out to her that there was a small dog in the car next to us. Instead of going behind the van, she jumped in front of the window to see the dog, scaring about 5 years off a woman's life. I should have kept my mouth shut about the dog.

When we got home I went upstairs. Jessie does SO much better with one-on-one than adding an extra person to her day. Even though she was glad I was with her at the pool, the entire day threw her off. Brenda felt bad that Jessie was so wound up and that I would "pay for it when she left". I assured her that it was OK. This is just part of our life with Jessie. I tend to blog about the good days with Jess, or the funny ones. I love Jessie very much. Somethings, it's just plain hard, though. Today was one of those days.

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