Sunday, January 18, 2015

Thanks, Ashley!

Today after church the kids and I met several people at the Chinese restaurant we always go to. There were 11 of us. Chris and her boys and Ashley. Her mom and then 3 young friends of theirs. I wasn't sure if Jessie would cooperate at a table with that many people, but she did really well. She is used to going to that restaurant and we ate on the "bar" side and no one else was in there. She is also used to having half her food taken away and she gets it for dinner, which she eats in the family room on a tray table. Talk about structure. I was able to enjoy my meal because Jessie was so good.

Chris came back after a quick trip to the grocery store and we watched a Christmas movie. Jess occupied herself on her iPad, played Apples to Apples and wrote in magazines. Jon spent most of the afternoon upstairs. I need to go upstairs and finish the checks I began last night so they can go in the mail tomorrow, even if its a holiday.

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