Monday, January 5, 2015

Saturday, Sunday and Monday

Well, as you can see, my computer is still giving me problems. So I'll have to lump 3 days into 1 blog. Jon had off these days and it was nice having him home. We went to church yesterday then went to Chili's for lunch. Chris joined us. She came back and spent the afternoon. We watched Epic in 3D.

Speaking of DVD's. Since just before Christmas to today, I have watched more DVD's or tv shows than I have in the past 3 years. I happened to walk by Jon's room about a month ago while he was watching a tv program, it looked like something I might enjoy, so he taped all the episodes. It's called "Scorpion". I'm really enjoying the episodes and Jessie has even come to the living room to watch it with us. We finally hit on a series that both Jon and I like.

Unfortunately, Jessie has had a couple melt downs in the past two days. They haven't been pretty and we do not know what has set her off. I sure wish I did.

My goal this week is to get caught up on ALL paperwork and close out 2014 and begin 2015 with empty folders. I am determined. I finished Jessie's book work for December today so I'm doing good so far. Counting on tomorrow being just as successful, if not more so.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nancy - this is 3rd time I've tried to comment so don't know what is happening or if you will get it 3 times. Glad you love Scorpion - it is my favorite show of the season. Stay warm - it is going to get cold tonight- I'm thinking about pulling about my long johns
