Wednesday, January 7, 2015

This Blog Is "R" Rated For Language - You've Been Warned.

Tuesday ... Jessie had a good day. Despite the cold, Brenda took her to the Rec Center and they spent a couple hours in the pool. Subway for lunch then home. After Brenda left, Jessie got her iPad and started watching Utube. I was on the computer. We're in the same room. Soon I realized she was watching Super Nanny 911, which I don't let her watch because the children are really horrible, and she tends to mimic bad behavior. So, I took it away and put Arthur the Aardvark on for her. I went back to the computer. All of a sudden I'm hearing the "F" word NUMEROUS times and Jessie laughing. I race over to her, yelling at her for changing the "channel" and discovered she didn't. It was an Arthur episode that someone remade with awful language. I quickly changed it to Arthur's Lost Christmas Episode. Back to the computer only to discover that was the one she was watching. It was titled ... "Arthur's Fucked Up Christmas". Seriously? I changed it to Winnie the Pooh, praying that someone hadn't ruined Pooh Bear with a potty mouth! Just in case you are in Jessie's company sometime and that F word comes out, let this be my proof that she didn't hear it from me. (I HATE that word.)

Wednesday ... Talk about cold! I even wore shoes and socks and a sweat shirt in the house. Third day in a row of paperwork. I at least got my check book up to date and was able to go to the bank and post office. Jessie and Debbie went with me, then Jessie wanted to go inside somewhere and get pizza. The ideas she comes up with sometime are weird. I wanted to go through a drive thru and eat at home, but NO. She wanted to go and eat inside. We ate at Pizza Nostalgia. When she is able to get her desires known to me, I try to do what she'd like, because she basically goes and does what we tell her. Within reason, that is.

I had Stephen Ministry tonight and since we had 3 weeks off, Jon isn't home now on these nights. Debbie covered and even made dinner for Jess since I took a nap - for some reason I was so tired this afternoon. Maybe I'm getting ready to hibernate.

A sub-contractor for Comcast came this afternoon and not only fixed the TV in the living room, he fixed my computer! Finally someone who knew what he was doing. He is part of a group of 18 technicians from Illinois sent to Michigan for 3 months to work for Comcast. He had 4 days off at Christmas and was able to go home. I know living in a motel would not be my idea of fun, and I'm sure they don't put them up at the Hampton Inn, either.

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