Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year!

Jessie couldn't wait to get her tree down (it was only up for less than 2 weeks) so she could make "a mess again!" While Jon dismantled the tree and I vacuumed, Jessie was in her video closet getting videos to scatter all over the floor. I couldn't resist taking a picture of her butt and feet. Cute.

Jon worked New Year's Day so he was in bed early on New Year's Eve. Jessie was asleep for the event, too. That just left me to hear the fireworks outside. I thought of my mom, as we would always call one another at midnight and wish each other a "Happy New Year".

Rachel came today for Jessie's breakfast out day then they came home and did a lot of stuff around the house. I went back to Comcast. I was there BEFORE 10:00 when the doors opened and I was #12 in line. Fifty minutes later I walked out with the cable card I needed. I hope I never have to go back there again.

I usually read Sarah Young's "Jesus Calling" daily devotional but this year I'm reading one by Joyce Meyer: "Love Out Loud". It revolves around loving God, loving yourself and loving others. I hope that I can show the Love of Jesus to all that are around me. I hope that I will make a difference in other lives. I hope that someone would come to love Jesus because of my faithfulness to Him. Wouldn't that be the ultimate? Here's to a great 2015. I love you, Jesus!

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